Monday, September 7, 2009


My bud Kert and I fished pretty hard this weekend. 3 fish caught, 1 lost at boat side and 2 other big fish follow.

Pretty awesome. We managed a 47", 43" and a 32".. man what an awesome day.

2 fish helped Project Noble Beast ...

Sunday, September 6, 2009


Got out today with my good bud Kert for a day fish on the Upper Ottawa river
After an interesting start that included running out of gas in my buds boat, having to be towed to shore, takeing a cab to the other launch(where the truck was) , driving back to the boat, pulling the boat out of the water to go gas up because the marina was out of gas,,,, we were back on the water set up to cast a weed bed.
A controlled approach gave us the best opportunity to cast the weed bed effectively. Not far into it I had a follow on a Cowgirl. Immediately I went into the figure 8 and the fish followed for at least a minute when it finally inhaled the bait directly under the boat and what a fight. Heavy pulls, headshakes and short runs. This fish wasn't giving up without a fight and completely destroyed my cowgirl. Almost in the net it decided to flip and with hooks in the net already it was a scramble to get it back in the net without losing it. My first figure eight Muskie in many years!!
A fine 47" male that took a couple minutes to recover but still swam off strong. A couple cast later the same thing happened but a couple jumps and it was gone. A smaller fish but still very aggressive.
With the wind dropping and sun beating us we called it a day. A good day for sure!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Sept 02 bait washing

It looked promising and talk was we were going to boat some 'skies but the Mighty O had other plans. No fish , no follows, no was as dead as I've ever seen it, but I still had a great time on the water with Sean Landsman (Project Noble Beast) and Colin Mckeown (New Fly Fisher). I think we cast about a couple thousand times to no avail. But we took in a beauty sunset and had some very entertaining conversations.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Weedbed success

Ah...yes the jacpot works again at tricking this 40" er into biting. The rush of seeing a fish surging up behind a bait is awesome. Once again with my bud Brian as netman(Hehe)..we were successful. Not the biggest but still a real nice 'skie.

This spot usually has bigger fish later in the fall but usually holds at least on or 2 fish during the summer. Ottawa river once it!

Upper Ottawa madness

It was another MCI outing on the Ottawa river. Me and partner Brian had been fishing the shallows for hours looking for the big ones and they never came...didn't move any fish at all. Getting a little frustrated I decided to try an off structure troll insted of the shallow casting.

First pass this dark thick 49" pounds a muskiestalker and puts up an amazing fight. It was also big enough to win the outing big fish trophy (Swan moving trophy). What a great way to start the year..It was caught June 22,09. Beauty!!!

Absolute beauty fish

This fish ,at 48", has some of the nicest markings I have seen on a Muskie from the Ottawa river. Part of "Project Noble Beast" it was a thrill to catch for the study. It absolutely pounded a Jackpot in about 6' of water...fight on. Once again as they all are, it was released back into the river to fight again another day.

Even the not so big ones are beautiful

I love those big toothy grin shots. This 41.5" was a great fight and mangled my cowgirl. My good friend Chris took a hook to the hand during this day out but is fine the same. Missed another bigger fish than this one but on a day like this one(hot and sunny, flat water) we'll take anything we get.

My Ride

19.5' Springbok center console with a 115 Evinude and a Merc 9.9 hp kicker, wireless Motorguide Bowmount, GPS sonar at console sonor at bow.

Newly renovated and my boat.

Another Ottawa beauty

As a member of Muskies Canada we have occasional outings and this one was a fun/learning outing put together for the 22nd Aug. 2009.
It was hot...very hot...too hot. But with a bit of cloud cover here and there we were confident we could still hook up.
My partner and net man Brian and I cast several spots before hooking up this clean 45.25" male muskie on a weedbed.
We moved another nice one into a figure "8" but she didn't take the bait. Nothing more exciting than a big muskie at boatside!

My personal best Muskie as of Aug 31st /09

While fishing with a friend on the Ottawa rive this big girl took a Fudally spinnerbait and put up quite the fight.

No other fish were moved that day but we had a great time on the water.

She measured 51.25" we did not girth her.

Back she goes for another day.