Saturday, April 3, 2010

Paradise In April/ Lake "O" Browns

Another cross province trek yields yet more spectacular Lake Ontario Brown action.
For the second time in 3 days I found myself driving long distances in search of Brown Trout, this time hitting a completely different part of that big fish tank know as Lake Ontario.

Being one of the nicest days of the year so far , temps reaching the low 20's and the sun bright and high in the sky, water clarity was amazing....I mean amazing!!

The short boat ride to the fishing hole from the inlet was very scenic even though we were dealing with water levels approaching 2.5' below the norm.

You can tell the health of an area based on how much wildlife you see and these waters were full of fish , aquatic animals dotting the shore line and birds everywhere...I knew we were in for some good fishing.

On the lake the scenery was even more impressive with shoreline rock formations thousands of years old and still a slave to nature.

We set up the troll and made several passes on a previously proven break line but the fish were not active or had moved out to deeper water due to the clear, bright sunny day and no wind conditions. We decided to see if changing up our tactics would prove successful for us.

With 2 anglers and 2 lines per angler and planer boards set we were covering approx 200' of water and were running different baits at different depths to see what would work.It wasn't long before we had the first fish in the boat and had switched the other baits to run at that depth

The bite was on and with each pass we were having hits/ losses and hook ups

Great fighting fish and clear water makes for plenty of eye opening action!!

The last one of the day fought the best with plenty of aerobic leaps and powerful runs but was no match for patience and a skilled net man.

What an amazing day of fishing in April....the lake was as perfect as it can get.

Can't wait to get out again!!

Special thanks to Laker John.