Monday, May 20, 2013

Spring 2013 Algonquin Park trip

Another year and another trip into Algonquin is in the books. Great times with some good buds and lots of good pristine nature.

The fishing was a bit tough but we did manage to get a few nice Brookies, 10 in all. The trip to our campsite included 3 paddles and portages that took about 7hrs. A bit of a workout but more than worth it.

This lake just had ice out on May 4th, and by the 15th the hatch had already happened and the fish had moved deep. It took a while to figure out what they would hit on but we did, and they bit.

We also had a mid day swim on Saturday and wow was it cold, 4 crazy guys in the middle of nowhere swimming in 40 deg water.

Great days, awesome nights and fires, good cooking and lots of laughs.

Thanks guys, next year will be even better!!