August wasn't that much better with torrential rain storms almost daily turning the Ottawa river into a cesspool and causing the water temp to plummet almost 12 deg.
Lately things have started to return to almost "normal" and mid 70's water temps and semi clear water is making for more favorible fishing conditions.
My buddy Brian and I experienced one of the freekiest T storms on the water recently with storm after storm rolling in and around us while sitting on the ramp waiting for a clearing to head out to a favorite casting bed. With a break in electrical activity we drove the short boat ride to the area and started casting. Brians second cast had a Muskie follow to boat side but was not in the mood to bite. Shortly after I had a big girl slam my hook very aggressively at boatside but I failed to get a hook in and then all hell broke loose.Lightning, thunder, torrential downpour wind...we got it all and deciding to hightail it to the launch we realized we had to drive into the storm.
Encouraged with the action we had in the short period we had previously experienced we headed out a couple days later to the same area for a night fish and had some success....finally!!
This little critter was lodged deep in the gills of it's host and wasn't about to let go without a fight. But a little pursuasion and it was free from the gills with no damage to the fish. Playing around with my new Fuji underwater camera I took the opportunity to snap a couple underwater shots and as you see murky water and night conditions make it tough for a good pic. A couple of tries and I was able to get a few neat shots, will have to try again soon in more light and better water quality conditions.
She measured 44" with a 17" girth and was full of energy not wanting any part of the net or being held but a quick pic and a couple release shots and she was off and swimming strong.
One for the album.
Release shot #1
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