Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Polly want a cracker?

Dr.John Casselman refers to it as "Parrot-beak phenomenon" and describes it is common in tank raised fish who continuously bump into the glass.

This male was caught on the Ottawa river and although rare is documented through several pictures from various anglers. Are stocked Muskies entering the Ottawa? Is there a behavior displayed at the fry stage that makes them develop this condition? Whatever the case may be they don't appear to be affected by it too greatly as they(the pics I have seen) appear to all be very healthy.

My good bud Arnaldo, who visits Ottawa to fish with me a couple times a year was fortunate enough to hook up this 40's Muskie on a "Brian Peach" Double 10 cowgirl look alike.

Two days of hard fishing and this was the result, Saturday was blue sky, hot and flat water but we pounded some spots and saw several fish. Getting them to bite proved to be a bit more difficult.
Sunday brought us overcast, strong winds (I hate wind) and rain but we felt it was better weather for Muskie fishing and we were right.

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