Thursday, February 2, 2012

Ice Pickeral

Evening walleye bites can be exciting, fast and furious, as we found out on a January weekend.
With my buds Jm and Bruce, we hiked out to a grassy edge and settled in for a night bite, we were not let down.

With a lead up of steady  perch action, the walleye started to bite almost on cue, almost as if someone had rung the dinnerbell.

We hooked into about a dozen or more and released about half back to swim again. Jm had an unfortunate thing happen as he left his one rod unattended and heard some commotion, only to turn and see his rod disappear down the hole, quickly.

 I would have liked to have seen that fish.

Awesome time on the ice with some friends and we even were treated to an amazing sunset.

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