Sunday, June 19, 2011

Lake Trout down rigging fun

Big Rideau lake offers much to the avid angler, Pike, Bass, panfish and Lake Trout.
This trip saw my good friend Akira and I targeting the Lakers by means of the downriggers, slow trolling and flashy spoons.
It wasn't long into it we had the first one on and a dogged fight it was, strong fish with lots of head shakes.
Into the net it went and was released to fight again another day.

We were soon onto another smaller one that was destined for the smoker, Akira has a great smoker and can make awesome tasting trout.
Soon we had 2 on ice and then it turned hot.....stupidly hot, so hot it was time to get off the water.
The biggest was just shy of 30" , it was a nice thick Trout.
Lots of fun!!

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